Lynley spends most of his day staring at spreadsheets as the lone accountant working at the Nexus, breaking his day with lively discussions about games, comics, and toys. At night, he tends to spend time on the couch with his Jack Russell Dogbert and Alsatian Wiley E. Coyote playing games, watching films, and reading. His wife just rolls her eyes. Lynley’s gaming habit started off on PC with his C64, but did fall briefly in the ‘90’s to the Sega Megadrive. After briefly regaining his sanity, he finally succumbed to the lure of the couch with the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Lynley is a fan of turn-based JRPGs, such as Chrono Trigger, as well as their western counterparts from years gone by. Open-world games command a soft spot in his heart, no matter how repetitive they may be. Lynley tries, but often fails to be competent in Strategy Games.
Lynley is also known as Magius on the forums.
Grumpy Old Man who still collects toys (THEY. ARE. NOT. DOLLS), PC Gamer lured to the Dark Side of console gaming, comic book reader and fan of all things pop culture.
Lynley spends most of his day staring at spreadsheets as the lone accountant working at the Nexus, breaking...
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