Just finished Final Crisis and really wasnt impressed!
Not too happy with the DC relaunch as well. IMO some DC Characters are developed too well to be retconed.(Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Oracle, Wonder Woman, Barry Allen Flash)
Though some characters I dont mind like Superman, they made him way too powerful and some toning down in his power may make his adventures more interesting. I always pitched the idea that if Superman were to be rebooted he should be sent to earth as an infant to learn and eventually enslave but he becomes a hero instead. Same mytho except Krypton is not destroyed but a war mongre type planet with his Father as a main villain. Green Lanturn as well, the guardians of the unrelistic huge universe needs to be made smaller.
It will also serve DC's interest to keep to One Reality and maybe only one paralel and no lateral universes. They give the new younger target audience too much credit if DC thinks the youngsters can handle cross issues and multiverses and way too much time travelling.
There alse way too many uncessary characters that they can do without like Captain Atom, Manhunter, C-List Rogues gallery and some B's.