This past week I've been reading a lot, finished these three:
'How to stop time' - Matt Haig. Beautiful book, I love Haig's writing. Every page is profound. It's about a man who ages extremely slowly and is over 400 years old. It deals a lot with searching for what matters most in life, on finding one's place in the world, etc. Highly recommended.
'Reasons to stay alive' - also by Matt Haig. I finished it in a couple of hours. It is his personal account of his depression and anxiety, how he almost committed suicide but at the last minute decided not to, and how far he has come since then. Also deals a lot with life's big questions and what matters most. Haig is just brilliant.
'Turtles all the way down' by John Green. I love John Green from he and his brother's Youtube videos, so really wanted to read this book. It's not my usual genre (YA) but it deals a lot with mental health (in particular OCD) which I found interesting. It is definitely a YA novel but there are some parts that really stood out for me.
Currently reading: 'Collected poems' by Sylvia Plath, 'After you' by Jojo Moyes, 'David & Goliath' by Malcolm Gladwell and 'The Collected Writings' by Zelda Fitzgerald.