November 27 2013, 12:30pm
I decided to start this thread to chronicle my rise to Guitar awesomeness.
It should help others make some choices, and should hopefully motivate me to keep going.
So, to start: I have NO prior experience with any musical instrument. My air guitar broke when I was a kid, and I never got a new one.
My theory study involved watching both seasons of K-on.
So then, off we go!
Got Rocksmith yesterday 26th November, after deciding playing games was boring and I need something new to stimulate me.
I have always wanted to play a musical instrument, and this has been the year of re-inventing myself (started going to gym, eating right, drawing).
I bought my Rocksmith bundle from AWX, because I find the lingering trevor aroma quite soothing.
Unfortunately I was struck down with a horrible round of hayfever, so I could not get as much play time as I wanted (nobody wants to drip on their guitar)
The hardware:
OMG… holding this guitar feels BOSS. It’s got weight and just feels great!
Here I hit my first snag. The guitar really should come with a small manual. Something in the “This side up” category. Or at least a small explanation on caring for it.
I put the guitar down and started installing the software. MAYOR STUFF-UP. Steam refused to update, refused to install from the disc, and refused to start! I was extremely upset within 20 minutes of negotiating with the bloody software to allow me to play the game I BOUGHT!
Then it hit me… This must be “The Struggle” that musicians talk about! I should channel this aggression into my ART!
After another 15 minutes, I had not written any songs, but I was swearing more rhythmically, so I chalk that up as a win!
Eventually I just used a hacked copy. Can’t deal with Steam and Uplay’s cr@p. I also don’t want my pitiful results posted all over the web.
Baby steps
So finally I have the “game” running. Guitar is plugged in, starts fine.
The game then walks you through a quick tuning session.
Second mayor snag. How the &^)^& do you hold this thing? It’s like being handed a baby and told not to drop it. Also, my computer chair is completely wrong for playing! You could stand up, but at this stage I was sneezing so hard I was worried I was going to fall over.
I finally dragged over my exercise bench, which seems to work.
Tuning the guitar is a bit difficult. Mostly because the tone depends on your volume settings as well as how hard you strung/ pick a string. Some trial and error needed. I’m also thinking of taking it somewhere to be professionally tuned the first time, just the have a reference.
Right! Guitar all tuned, awesome all ready, and nose blocked with tissues!
Start with lessons.
OMG I suck monkey nuts
You quickly realize that musicians just make it LOOK easy. There are many little tricks you need to learn (think of the first time somebody hands you an Xbox controller, or the first time you get in a car). Trying to figure out a comfy way of holding the guitar, trying to figure out how you’re supposed to curl your fingers around the neck to reach anything, trying to gain the muscle memory of where the heck the frets are so you don’t need to look at your hands…
You will be spending a lot of time on youtube. Or, if you have a friend that knows something about guitars, call him over, just to sort out the little tricks that will make your life easier.
Now… put away your ego. The game will give you a small riff of 6 notes. You will fail. Again and again. Then the game slows it down for you. You fail. Slow down more. Fail. Cry a little. Fail. Die a little inside.
YES! Get it right! Speeds up a bit. Fail.. fail… fail… Slows down again.
Then you get it right. And again. And eventually at full speed. Your ego rises like Micheal Jackson from the grave. You. Are. Awesome.
Then you fail hard on the next riff, and your ego deflates, like Zombie Micheal taking a headshot.
So this was my first day. I can’t really call it a success, but I am going back there tonight.
I got this. I’m gonna OWN that guitar!