It’s been just over four months since HoYoverse’s Zenless Zone Zero dropped, with exactly three major patches having been released thus far (excluding launch update 1.0) – each bringing with them new playable Agents, fresh storyline chapters, and additional locations to explore. I’ll be focusing on that last bit of content for this list, attempting to rank every major area within the game – from least to most interesting – based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, available content, aesthetic, number of enterable buildings, and overall importance to the player with regards to plot and general gameplay.
With that out the way, let the tour commence!
8. Metro Station
While important in establishing the illusion of a living, breathing, and functioning New Eridu,
Zenless Zone Zero’s two accessible metro areas unfortunately don’t offer much in the way of meaningful gameplay, content, or exploration. Aside from two or three noteworthy NPCs and exceedingly rare storyline utilisation, most players won’t set foot into this area more than is absolutely necessary – and, unless a future update or newly introduced permanent feature switches things up, this will likely remain the case for the foreseeable future. If you’re all about that hardcore immersion, though, the locations do serve as a neat alternative to fast travelling via menu, just in case you find instantly teleporting around the city too easy or convenient for your liking. I guess.
7. HAND Headquarters
First introduced in the latest major update (version 1.3), and serving as the base of operations for the lovably dysfunctional Hollow Special Operations Section 6 squad, you might be wondering how in the world a location of such significance and intimidatingly impressive design could be placed this low on the list. The answer is simple – there’s barely anything going on here, provided you’ve already completed the most recently added Virtual Revenge storyline chapter. Despite being objectively even more lacking than the metro stations in the return value department post-mission, the overall aesthetic and limited (yet detailed) interiors give it a definite edge over the prior entry – and I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of further areas opening up in the not-too-distant future.
6. Brant Street Construction Site
Home to the Belobog Heavy Industries crew, this is the first location on the list thus far to appear extensively within the main story. Sure, it may not look like anything remarkable, especially when compared to HAND’s HQ, but the simple atmosphere of a (somewhat) busy construction site is nailed perfectly here, with a decent amount of memorable NPC/Agent interactions and Officer Mewmew-related side activities sprinkled in for good measure - all taking place under the watchful eye of a massive Hollow in the distance. Admittedly, it’s been a hot minute since we’ve had any reason to pop around for a visit, but the zone’s potential for playing host to further events and plot developments is undoubtedly still there.
5. Scott Outpost
Zenless Zone Zero players should be extremely familiar with this location by now, as it primarily functions as the endgame activity hub for the title. Whether it’s crossing off weekly Hollow Zero commissions or S-ranking Shiyu Defense levels for that delectable polychrome bounty, there’s something for all players to sink their teeth into here once the old battery charge runs dry. Skirting the edge of Hollow Zero (viewable via on-site binoculars, or with the naked eye because its large as hell), Scott Outpost embraces function over form, and its tiny area size certainly reflects that. Appearances aside, this compact military camp easily earns its position on the list thanks to its unique atmosphere and player engagement factor.
4. Ballet Twins Road
What sets Ballet Twins Road apart from most of the other sections of New Eridu’s cityscape is its surprisingly fleshed out lore and backstory – a location inextricably tied to the tragic events that took place in the nearby eponymous Hollow-engulfed Ballet Twins towers, leading to the creation of the Marionette Ethereal bosses the player can repeatedly challenge. Perhaps influenced by this haunting tale (that I won’t go into here), the surrounding area has become somewhat of a hotspot for alleged paranormal activity reports and ghost stories to thrive. Often frequented by members of the Victoria Housekeeping team, filled with amusing commissions to undertake, and packing one of the most relaxing BGM tracks in the entire game, Ballet Twins Road is an area I often find myself returning to just to soak up the creepy vibes – despite having already exhausted all available content.
3. Blazewood
“Desert wasteland” was certainly not on my bingo card when I originally leapt aboard the
Zenless Zone Zero hype train all those months ago, but man am I glad we headed in that direction. A perfect complement to the Sons of Calydon’s biker aesthetic and free spirits, Blazewood is notable for more than just its tumbleweed-riding Bangboo and unusual layout – it was also the site of quite possibly the single greatest event the game has seen to date: Overlord’s Feast. If rebuilding cheese-themed restaurants isn’t quite your thing, though, there’s still plenty to keep you occupied here – even if the zone is more limited in size than it might have appeared to be upon initially arriving.
2. Lumina Square
Speaking of size, Lumina Square wins the gold medal in that regard. Somehow still suffering from frame rate problems after going live over four months ago (at least on PS5), the best thing going for this district, aside from its fantastically frenetic central city atmosphere, is its potential for expansion. Hell, we’ve already witnessed an example of this in the most recent update, with the previously inaccessible San-Z STUDIO having now become fully operational. From the hair salon to the mysterious florist, it’s as if HoYoverse intentionally set up a series of empty sets with the plan of going in at a later date and slotting functional game spaces in. For now, though, both the New Eridu Public Security building and the HIA Club (a location you’ll visit exceptionally frequently) are enterable, with the former sitting in a similar uneventful position to HAND’s Headquarters – albeit with more NPCs.
1. Sixth Street
Sixth Street’s tight and cozy design, lined with a blend of commercial and residential sites, just feels good to walk around in. There’s a certain blend of wholesomeness and sense of community present in this area that you won’t quite find anywhere else in
Zenless Zone Zero’s world, and it’s where the majority of Phaethon’s adventures both begin and end. Whether you’re running through your dailies, looking to kill some time at the Godfinger arcade, managing your Drive Disc collection, or slowly befriending a local stray cat in one of the most agonisingly protracted questlines found in the entire game, there is no other district or zone set up better than Sixth Street – from both a stylistic and gameplay standpoint.