September 11 2020, 9:02am
Drifters. A Netflix anime
Story: Heroes (and Villains) from our history are transported to a fantasy land and wage war
Good: Decent animation, some good laughs
The WTF: The Dub/Sub. Just... What?
Let me explain. The heroes are transported from all over the world and all over history. Some of them speak different languages, so the Romans speak Latin, and the Japanese speak Japanese. Fair enough. The Subtitles are very vague and short though, whole sentences being reduced to 3 words.
So I switched to DUBS... aaaaand eish.
Now the Japanese speak english, the Romans also speak english, but with a modern Italian accent. The Americans speak english as well, heavy with slang (which doesn't get subtitled)... but nobody understands each other.The Arabs still speak Arabian and the Germans speak German, forcing you to keep the subtitles on anyway.
The other problem is that the dubs and subs tell a completely different story. Like mayor plot point do not get translated in the subtitles.
Seriously a weird situation, and it's a pity, because the anime seems really good so far