Nintendo Switch - News Thread
Tebulot said ...
The amount of backwards compatible games will probably sway me. 3DS? Wii-U?
This is not a power system, but it could work well for on the go peeps
DarkPrince said ...
I would be extremely surprised if that base doesn't have a cd drive for Wii and Wii U discs.
TheOneMCMK said ...
Might be difficult for them to implement Wii U BC since it would most likely require owning a Game Pad and since it is not able to be purchased seperately (outside of Japan) that would mean you have to sell the most expensive part of the Wii U seperately with enough people to buy it which probably isn't many![]()
Magius said ...
Also maybe take the 3rd party games shown with a pinch of salt. Seems both 2K and Bethesda have not confirmed Skyrim and NBA2k17 ports for the Switch. I am sure that they will be on the system, but possibly not at launch
Sinncross said ...DarkPrince said ...
I would be extremely surprised if that base doesn't have a cd drive for Wii and Wii U discs.
Well Nintendo already confirmed that the dock is merely for charging and TV out.
A new famitsu interview confirms no WiiU BC (made sense) and no 3DS BC (which makes less sense)
TheOneMCMK said ...
Might be difficult for them to implement Wii U BC since it would most likely require owning a Game Pad and since it is not able to be purchased seperately (outside of Japan) that would mean you have to sell the most expensive part of the Wii U seperately with enough people to buy it which probably isn't many![]()
Interesting point. Just made me realise that the whole wiiu functionality is thrown out the window considering the device needs to be docked to video out.
Oh well... wasnt a well used feature by Nintendo at all so maybe a good thing.
Magius said ...
Also maybe take the 3rd party games shown with a pinch of salt. Seems both 2K and Bethesda have not confirmed Skyrim and NBA2k17 ports for the Switch. I am sure that they will be on the system, but possibly not at launch
eh, just Nintendo putting an NDA on when games can be formally announced. They themselves havent even made mention of Mario, MK or Splatoon.
That said Next info dump is next year... which is ridiculous.
SupaPhly said ...IkariX said ...
You're in the wrong thread. Sony thread is I click of your browser back. This is a Nintendo thread N I N T E N D O. Say it with me. NINTENDO
so what you're saying is... no one is allowed to say anything negative?
DarkPrince said ...
According to a source for Laura Dale, the NX battery 3 hours max
CRAVINHO said ...
the 3 hour battery life is a bit of a let down tbh i was hoping around the 6 hour mark hopefully we get a power bank or some sort of device to extend the battery life as for the no backwards compatibility for physical media thats no big deal but hopefully some games do get made available digitaly also it doesn't look if previous gen accessories will be compatible with the switch personally im still keen to get myself the switch as it sounds like a pretty cool device and the leaked specs ill take with a pinch of salt will wait for nintendo to reveal more info.
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